Tailored approach


We start our co-operation with an introductory meeting to determine your need for support. Based on this information, we propose what Your own CIO looks like for you.

Regular contact is always part of the service. Together we determine what balance between on-site versus online working is best for your situation.

We agree a fixed fee per month to avoid any surprises. Every six months, we evaluate the partnership.

Below we give two examples what Your own CIO model could be in different situations.

  • Example 1

    You have a few essential IT systems managed by vendors, e.g., an e-commerce site with supporting business applications. You don’t have much IT expertise in-house. To grow further, you need to develop your IT. Your own CIO can help.

    As an example, Your own CIO would propose:

    • Fixed weekly touchpoint

    • 2 half days per month on-site

    • 4 hours per month online collaboration

    • 2 hours per month research and conceptual work

    Fee: EUR 2795 per month (excluding VAT)

  • Example 2

    You have a small in-house IT team to support and maintain your systems. IT increasingly needs to support your business strategy. You need additional power to make this happen. Your own CIO can help.

    As an example, Your own CIO would propose:

    • Fixed weekly touchpoint

    • 1 regular half day on-site

    • 20 hours per month on-line collaboration

    • 2 hours per month research and conceptual work

    Fee: EUR 5995 per month (excluding VAT)